Kantrela's Blog

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~Survey Monkey~ June 3, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — kantrela @ 4:37 pm

SurveyMonkey has been an experience. It’s definitely something I will use for my future english students. I will  use it as an Ice Breaker activity at the beginning of the year or just  a technique to get some feed back from my students. Last year I took EDUC 2110 and 2120. I did my observation at McEachern High School in Cobb County. When I was there I noticed that a lot of students did not really speak  up for a variety of different reasons. I think this will be a great way to get their honest opinions. I’m not the smartest person when it comes to technology however,  SurveyMonkey was easy to follow and the directions was clear. It’s very effective and I will definitely use it in my class room when I become a teacher! I put together a simple survey about my space and Facebook because it’s so popular nowadays, and I got some awesome responses… Thanks to everyone who took time out to participate.